08 Februar 2006

MindTech: My recipe for a total brainwashing

For the past months I've been on a self-improvement journey. Not just with women, but life in general. So I started to actually try the things out...hey...who would have known that only reading/listening wouldn't help? :-) I always read a lot of self-help/seduction stuff but rarely did anything, and when I did I quickly quit after a couple of weeks. So I decided to STICK TO IT! I choosed one thing and I would stick for a time limit of at least two months, if after that I didn't saw any results then I would drop it and change for another.

As inner game is concerned I'm almost at the point I want to be. I can now atract more women than before, but that isn't enough; I want more, so after my exams I'm going out daily meet more women until I reach my goal.

It was a huge progress this last few months in all areas of my life, so I decided to write out what I've been doing to accomplish this change. Maybe it can help someone else here.
I discovered this is like bodybuilding: if you try only one thing (like a dieting, supplementation, new training schedule, etc) you probablyl notice some minor gains, but it's when you combine all those "small things" that you'll notice the most gains. Here it works the same way...you can hear to hypnotism daily and notice some results, but if you really want to change your whole way of thinking that is not enough (in my experience at least).

You might not agree with all the things I write below, but these are the things that worked for me, try them out for yourself; if some don't work, change for another, you've got plenty to choose from in this fabulous torrent site...build your own recipe.

So without further delay, here's MY recipe to totally brainwash yourself:

- Hypnosis - 1x or 2x a day
This was probably the first thing I tried. I've been using it for months. I found out that to get the best results you need to listen the same audio for at least 2/3 months. Right now, I've been using Glenn Harrold "Develop your self-confidence", most of the times is 2x a day (since it has two files). I wake up 30m earlier, take a bath and have breakfast (to really wake up and don't asleep again), then listen to the audio. Then again at night.
Glenn Harrold works very good for me, my advice is download a bunch of them try out all of them during a week, then stick with what you liked best for 3 months. After 3 months I change for another.

- Sleep Hypnosis
I edited the third CD of Erick Kand Self-Confidence hypnosis audio to get only the affirmations part (without the induction and the wake up), then I burned it into a cd and listen it during the whole night (click the repeat button). The secret is having the volume low but still audible. You'll get used to it in only a couple of nights. I can share my edited audio file if you want, just ask me.

- Will power and self-discipline

Since this was something that I was lacking, I started doing the exercices of Remez Sasson book and I'm extremely happy the way they are working. Some of them are really boring to do, but that's the whole point. Download the book and see for yourself.
The best thing about this is that you can do the exercices in your normal routine, you don't have to get a specific time for this (on most of the exercices anyway).
It greatly improved my will power to stick to things I started...before, I wouldn't finish them.

- Magick/Huna/Chaos Magick

This is a great tool! Probably one of the best I tried. Any kind of these magick systems are designed to help you control your reality. Personally I use Huna, but any kind of magick system will work just as good. If you never read anything before try out "Kahuna Reality Control", or the first book of the Franz Bardon trilogy, or something along the lines of Chaos Magick.
One "side effect" of learning and practicing a magickal system is the development of your charisma. I'm not the first person to notice this, I have two friends who noticed exactly the same thing (they are only doing the magickal exercices, not anything else on this list).

- Keep your information intake under control
What I mean by this is that, except your job requires it, stop watching the news, stop watching tv, stop listening to AFC music (let's say romantic songs, songs that make you depressed, etc). For keeping informed subscribe to a free RSS newscast such as the NY Times. Read only what interest you. When you watch the tv news you spend almost an hour a day with an intake of negative shit (taxes raises, riot on venezuela, 300 people died on a plane crash, etc).
Same thing for the music you listen too. In my car I only have cd's of music that makes me feel good! No depressing lyrics, just stuff to keep my spirit up! If you don't have a car, get a cheap mp3 player and put the songs there.
Whatever you can control about the information you absorb (both visually and auditory), do it! It's already enough the ones that are out of our control.

- Affirmations
I don't like wasting time in front of the mirror and saying those affirmations, to me, it feels well..."fake"...so, I have a few post-it spread around the house with them (althought I take them out when I have guests LOL). I've also downloaded the 3-m software with PC post-its for your desktop and fill it with affirmations and inspiring quotes.

- Idle time
Stop doing shit that doesn't contribute anything to your development, like playing video games, watching tv like a zombie, spending countless hours on MSN, etc. Sure it's ok once in a while to just "do nothing" but don't let this turn into an habit. Same thing for MSN or IRC...be online for a while to chat with your friends, but don't let this turn into an addiction and be like those people who are always online. Ditto for posting in forums
Instead of just hang around doing nothing, go work on yourself, or read a good novel for a change.

- Goals

Keep goals in every area of your life. Nothing new here, but I figure I have to mention it.
Read any self-help book to help you making your goals (tony robbins, jim rohn, etc). Writing the
goals is not enough, keep a plan on how you will achieve those goals.
A magick system will help imprinting those goals into your subconscious mind in order to achieve them.

- "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose"
Yes, I took if from Star wars
It made a lot of sense to me. Whatever you think you are attached to, train yourself to let it go. If you think you can't live without your computer, try unplugging it for a week. Or you car, instead take the public transportation for a month. Can't live without your girlfriend? Say to her that you need some time for yourself. You are afraid of rejection? go out a few times with the sole purpose of getting rejected (obviously I can't reccomend doing it all the time, just a couple of times to see there's nothing to be afraid of). This way if your computer breaks down you won't go jump up and down in anger; and if you are willing to walk away from any relationship at any given moment you won't put up with any shit.
When you want to get over a fear, you need to confront it.
Remember, it's only after you let go of that fear of losing something that you are free to do anything.

- 1 day retreat

Try to have at least one day once in a while to work solely on yourself. Spend the whole day on meditations, exercices, hypnosis, etc. Doesn't need to be too often, just whenever you have a free sunday...maybe once in a couple of months. It makes a big difference.

- Body Expression
Learn Yoga/any kind of dance/mimic/theater/whatever...just do something to improve the expression of your body. You'll be much more relaxed, much more expressive, and more coordination between movements.

- Diet and Exercice
Nothing new, we all know it's good for you. No need to go overboard with this, just do enough exercice for a healthy lifestyle, like 3x to 4x a week.
Eat well: ever heard: "you are what you eat"? Just control your food intake, keep a balanced diet.
Sleep well: your head and body will appreciate it.
Supplementation: I take a cheap Multi-vitamin and Omega-3 fish oil to help me concentrate. I heard about Omega-3 on a BBC documentary and I've been taking it ever since.

That's it! Pretty much what I've been doing. If you ask me again in a few months, this "recipe" has probably changed. Until then I've evolved, maybe I no longer need some of the exercices, maybe I need another for a different goal.
Use what works, drop what doesn't. If you no longer need one thing, drop it... evolve to a different thing. Nothing is written in stone.

Now...join this with field work and you will be unstoppable

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