03 August 2005

Dimitri: One-Minute Number Closing


I received an email today (well, a few days ago actually, but I just got home
from working) asking me about quick # closes. Well, I just wrote back, but then
I realized at the end that it's almost presentable as a post. I wrote it pretty
informally and didn't edit it except a quick once-over, but I hope someone on
here can get something from it. The thing driving the concept is the fact that
you're an attractive guy: I guess I should also add "Being and Becoming
Attractive", a recent post I made in Advanced, as supplementary reading to
helping a tech like this work.

So here it is, my friends. Enjoy!


Hey !

How you doing, man?

I'm smiling over here from ear to ear. I just finished working with a student
earlier today, and I taught him very fast approaches and got him doing them
with some success. I hope he builds on it and becomes really good at it, but I
do find it a little funny to come home and see this question in my inbox. :)

Anyway, it's not all that difficult. The basic format goes something like this:

"My God... I wish I had time to talk to you. You're so beautiful and classy...
but I've got to go meet my friends."

I smile sadly, and let her reply. She almost always thanks me very much, some
of them start completely and totally glowing.

I let her say whatever, then I go:

"Tell you what: Let me grab your number and I'll give you a ring later. If we
get along on the phone, maybe we'll go hang sometime."

Really high close rate. Actually, it's easier to kiss them once on the lips
after this one than it is after slightly longer sets sometimes (or so it seems
to me: Maybe I just play quick numbers a lot harder).

These numbers really are quite decent. I've slept with girls off of them. One
girl, in a city I don't get up to much, I got her number when Woodhaven and I
were practically running out of a train station.

This was like a year ago, but I never make it out to see her. I've only talked
to her five or six times for a while since then, but she remembers me *every
time*. She invited me over to her place at one point, but I wasn't in town. In
fact, when I call her, sometimes she calls back. And this a very, very
beautiful girl, man. I don't even bother doing this if I'm in a hurry with a
girl who isn't really beautiful.

So there's that. I recommend substituting what you like about her and what
you're doing for my example. "My God... I wish I had time to talk to you.
You're so [what you like about her]... but I've got to go [do what you're in a
hurry for]." Pause, let her reply. "Tell you what: Let me grab your number and
I'll give you a ring later. If we get along on the phone, maybe we'll go hang

Flaking isn't a problem. These numbers are *always* real (occasionally she'll
say she's flattered, but can't because she has a boyfriend: but I've never
gotten a fake number like this). You DO have to talk to her before you ask her
to go hang out. You need to get to know her a little, see if she's actually
cool, etc. But they're good numbers.

I'd recommend Woodhaven's post "The Transition to Natural Game" for more on
this. He says one of the things that inspired him to come up with the
Contintuous Flow of Action concept was how fast I could get good numbers...
totally not in line with some ASF dogma.

Don't worry about getting 20 minutes. You need to smooth, confident, and cool,
and strike a good impression. But to make an example: If Brad Pitt were to walk
up to a woman and say, "Wow, I really like your look, but I don't have time to
talk to you right now. Let me grab your number and maybe we'll talk later",
would she hmm and haww?

If you're not Brad Pitt, that's okay: You can become very attractive yourself,
by working your bodylanguage, speaking patterns, style, and so on. The drive
behind getting a quick number is not the actual words: Though the words are
pretty close to optimal, they don't do much without the right attitudes and the
external manifestations of those attitudes.

I don't have any audio available at this time. I see why you'd want it: The way
I say words are as important as the words you say. Maybe we'll get a chance to
talk sometime, though.

Thanks for dropping me a line, man. All the best to you.


PS: It wasn't my intention to write something that'd be capable of being a good
post, but it... worked out that way, I suppose. I hope you don't mind that I'm
going to slap this up on ASF, because I like to let everyone learn from what I
have to say. I won't mention your personal details or otherwise give up your
info, just want to share this with the world. Thanks again for the line, hope
this answers your questions.

Dimitri rapidsocialimpact.com

as seen on Fast Seduction

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