03 August 2005

Woodhaven: Transition to Natural Game, Part II

Current trends in seduction favor a more genuine and natural framework driven by confidence and a strong assumption of attraction. It seems the highly canned routine-based game initially designed for ego preservation is giving way to a more integrated and free-flowing approach. This warrants an in-depth codification of the process of transitioning to a natural game that is both highly effective in-field and consistently teachable.

My recent work has been not only to identify those concepts which drive Natural Game, designing applicable mindsets and techniques, but to also develop a systematic method for students, no matter what their background, to make the transition to Natural Game. Despite my use of the term 'Natural Game' it is a mistake to assume that it's sufficient to 'just be cool', 'act normal' or 'be yourself'. Given the highly ambitious scope of becoming a full-blown Pick up Artist, a systematic approach is, in most cases, NECCESSARY to ensure optimum development of the correct behaviors and beliefs.

This article aims to deal with three high level and large-frame concepts which serve as a foundation for a highly practical and field-tested method which preserves the inherent attractiveness and integrity of the student. All great pickup artists have internalized these concepts to the point of automaticity, whether they know it or not. Misattributing the source of their power, a number of good pick-up artists spend too much valuable time emphasizing axillary skills such as storytelling, humor and random gimmickry. While these skills may serve as useful tools for specific situations, they are of limited application and not entirely relevant to the matter at hand.

I believe it is highly beneficial to cut straight to the true essence of success, leaving yourself the option of developing into a great storyteller or comedian later on, if that is your inclination. In that case, development of Natural Game concepts will constitute a robust foundation invaluable for whatever style suits your personal taste. Our primary role as pickup artists is the successful connection with and seduction of women. That will be the focus of this article.

The three base concepts for discussion are:

1. Spontaneity Over Structure.
2. Mutual Value Escalation.
3. Congruence to Intention.

If you haven't read The Transition to Natural Game part I, authored by myself, you may want to do that first. I might also add that the newly revised Razorjack Method is 100% compatible with this text. The full version can be found at www.bristollair.com.


Spontaneity is the characteristic of creating an experience with optimum emotional capacity to the exact situation at hand. (Or very appropriately termed your 'Pimp Brain' by PlayerSupreme)

It is that time when you were totally *ON* - joking with the girl, laughing with her, sharing, you had so much you could talk about, so much you wanted to share. You told her stories, and made jokes about things in the environment, teased her, related to her... If you've never experienced this, well... keep reading!

Spontaneity is not what you have never said or done before, but a new combination of the thousands of things you have already experienced. We all have a realm of experiences from which to draw via an associative process. Rather than rehearsing memorized content, you are re-experiencing images from memory and recounting the experiences into the here and now with a fresh touch to it. Your amplification or elimination of certain details allows you to custom tailor your presentation and ultimately the entire shared experience to her personality type.

Spontaneity is a state where all of the relevant neural pathways are active such that you have instant access to associated memories. You are extroverted and aware of your environment. You are completely unattached to outcomes, and completely IN the moment. Not focused on the process, you ARE the process. Your experience is that very moment, not stuck in the two minutes ago, but in the PRESENT.

It is that freshness. That presence. Are you THERE in the moment with the girl? Are you seeing her for who she really is? Are you more present in the moment than her husband? Then she is yours.

You are crafting an emotional experience based on the instantaneous moment in which you and the girl reside. Spontaneity can be developed to such a degree that your improvised conversation is more fresh, genuine and attractive than anything you could have prepared prior. This is because it is born out of the moment, and is highly relevant. The freshness and energy which spawns from spontaneity is a powerful and complete value demonstration in itself.

Can you discard your routines and structure at the drop of a hat, when an opportunity to live in the moment presents itself?

Or do you sacrifice the opportunity because of attachment to a predetermined script?

Spontaneity is of utmost importance. More than anything, women will feel great rapport with you based on your degree of spontaneity. Women spend all of their lives searching for that guy who can VIBE. The guy who's energy matches her's - when they are together the interaction just HITS! Women always ask themselves things like "How do I feel around him?", "How natural does it feel?". When you create a spontaneous interaction with a girl, she will be absolutely convinced that you are her soulmate. If you can connect in that manner, she will forget all other objections about you, and be completely in love. This is paramount in making those super-fast lays happen.

Anything that feels forced, rehearsed or planned KILLS the interaction. Even guys that have great routines or are great storytellers possess spontaneity. There still needs to be a good interaction flow between the stories... AND for when the stories run out! Resist getting stuck trying to correct mistakes made beforehand, stay in the moment - the river keeps on flowing! Persistence and spontaneous creation of context in part comes from having strong beliefs, but you can train yourself to develop those beliefs by maintaining a continuous flow of action.

I recently heard a really good quote from Harmless. He said "The guys that are great - they can take nothing... and turn it into something." What is he talking about? Spontaneous creation of experience based on circumstance. Nothing else. Taking what little is available and creating CONTEXT for interaction.

Another benefit to spontaneity is the byproduct development of situational relevance. Strongly correlated to social intelligence, situational relevance is an intuition that determines when certain routines are appropriate in a given context. Some guys run routines that are completely irrelevant to the situation at hand. They never took the time to develop their spontaneity and now have zero sense of whether their routines are appropriate or not. Even the coolest, most bad-ass routine will fall flat if delivered in an inappropriate situation, or prematurely.

Training your mind for spontaneity is the process of conditioning your mind to develop instantaneous association recall. Development of any skill is proceeded by a strong stimulus to the neurology which facilitates that said skill. It is analogous to weightlifting - you lift weights which provides your muscles a powerful stimulus, and they respond by becoming stronger and more developed.

From a strictly mental viewpoint, it is very much like learning a language. A friend of mine took four years of Spanish in high school and a few years later could speak nothing of the language. She then took a two week vacation with her boyfriend in Puerto Rico, and came back speaking near fluent Spanish. Putting yourself in a situation over and over with little preparation gives the strongest stimulus to that part of your brain which you aim to develop.

Overpreparation in the form of learning too many pickup lines or routines will circumvent that process. It's like using crutches for your whole life with the expectation of developing strong legs. It just won't happen. For this reason, I am a huge proponent of minimizing the number of routines you take with you into the field.

Developing spontaneity in a nutshell:

1. Go into the field unprepared.
2. Approach a woman with a specific intention (We'll learn this in section 3)
3. Persist as long as possible congruent to your chosen intention.
4. Repeat the process for a balanced variety of situations.

Little preparation, strong sexual intent, lots of persistence... Sounds like Gunwitch Method to me! This may explain the great success of everyone who applies GWM. It is an excellent foundation and perfect for building that very important trait we call SPONTANEITY.

We are training WARRIORS of pickup. We produce guys who can trust their instincts in any situation and WIN. Their subconscious is trained to make superb decisions in microseconds. They recall highly relevant stories to tell their women, they crack just the right joke at the right time, and they know exactly which emotions need to be projected to capture her SOUL.


Mutual value escalation has been the driving force behind most of the successful techniques and methods developed in history and recent years. It is also the concept which drives most symbiotic relationships between living things. A mutual value escalation is is an interaction which results in an financial / emotional / intellectual exchange in which both parties benefit. A coach makes his players sharper, faster, and able to think more quickly on their feet and in turn they go on to win games and championships for him. Their combined value as a team is much greater than the sum of their value as individuals.

Certain people are more inclined to escalating value than others. As pick up artists, it is of utmost importance. It can be said that there are three types of people in this world: Givers, takers and leaders.

'Givers' give everything away up front, with a hidden expectation of return. If they do not get that return, they harbor expressed or unexpressed anger and hostility. The classic example of this is the 'nice guy' who supplicates over and over expecting to get sex in return, and then when he gets dumped, blames the girl and calls her a bitch. MVE is NOT supplication. It is the preservation and enhancement of overall or long term collective emotions of a group of people. When a 'giver' gives something (with expectation of return) then you will then be holding the 'expectation' emotion, and the girl will now be carrying a 'obligated / accountable' emotion. Neediness also causes these types of emotions. That is mutual value degradation.

'Takers', realizing that 'givers' get nowhere in our society, take as much as they can from people because of their own insecurity about their abilities to attain what they desire. They also will harbor anger and hostility if they do not get what they attempt to take. A good example is a guy (who some may consider 'alpha') who tries to extract sex or financial resources from a woman but adds absolutely no value to her life. These guys will be successful to a certain extent with low self esteem women, but eventually smart women will grow tired of this and conjure up enough strength to break free from such an unhealthy and destructive relationship. The relationship ends with both parties worse off than when they started, both with a distorted perception of the opposite sex.

Both 'givers' and 'takers' come from a similar place. They are both attached to an outcome and attempt to use negative emotions in order to reach that outcome. The hostility and anger originates from the fear of an imagined consequence resulting from failure to 'take' or 'receive'.

What most people fail to notice, however is that there is another option: The Leader. A leader will increase the value of himself all the while increasing the value of the people he interacts with. He makes intelligent decisions, takes responsibility for his actions and creates positive emotions in his group. Since the majority of people in this world fall into the 'giver'/'taker' category, it is the leaders who, through their strength and direction, can rise above and make things go right. It is commonly thought that there can only be one leader in any interaction. That is not true. It may be true that only one person can leading at any one particular time, but two leaders can interact in a very effective and mutually beneficial manner.

I really think people have a huge misconception about indirect methods. They seem to believe we are somehow 'hurting' the girl or making her feel bad about herself in some way. When done correctly, this cannot be further from the truth. Great C+F is giving her the gift of humor. Well constructed negs demonstrate awareness and social subtlety, valuable to any woman striving to be more beautiful. Well timed takeaways teach women to respect us, and in the end they appreciate the lesson.

If your methods do not add value to the interaction, then you are coming from the wrong place. Escalate mutual value, always.

Most healthy men and women have a tendency toward survival and the attainment of positive emotions. People naturally want to be around others who can add value to their lives and make them feel good. It is completely natural and built into us by evolution. Natural leaders take care of themselves, they involve themselves in actions to improve their lives, and the lives of the people around them. It just plain feels GREAT to be around people who possess this quality. They are charismatic, comfortable and inspire everyone involved to more positive and pleasurable emotions.

Mutual Value Escalation is THE way into the secret society. By your actions, you demonstrate that a woman's involvement in your life would only be a benefit to her, no matter what your intention is. You leave absolutely no room for implications of negative repercussions. Since leaders have no attachment and make no implied demands, women will very quickly realize the potential of a no-strings-attached sexual relationship as well as a fulfilling and rewarding long term relationship.

We are not the guys who impose on their freedom by dropping hints of emotional dependence. We do not supplicate to a woman and shower her with insincere compliments. We are also not the guys who, in a selfish pursuit of our own hedonism, sabotage her emotions with lies, deceit and invalidation. We do not drain the life energy from social interactions by demoralizing the team players on which we depend to enhance our lives.

We strive to improve our women's lives by helping them to become stronger, more independent, guiding her to self-discovery and excellence.

And for that, they will reward us with everything they've got!

Enhance her experience whether it is day game or night game, 'indirect' or 'direct' game. A lot of stock routines are created with value built in, so in a sense most of us are creating value escalation artificially. Be aware of the large frame of what we are doing and pay attention to the emotional implications of your technique. We are enhancing the shared experience of which we take part. MVE can be cultivated internally without routines, if you are aware of it while developing spontaneity. If you prefer to use straight spontaneity, only calling on stories when you are reminded of them, your intention will guide your language. Combine genuine expression with leadership frames so that you both benefit.

Learn to reframe everything into the more positive, optimistic, humorous - But this doesn't mean kiss her ass by any stretch. Be realistic and judge her shortcomings fairly. Be aware of her shortcomings, (don't lie and tell her the opposite is true) but make her feel better about them. This is the base structure of good c+f or a great neg.

The real power behind most great techniques is AWARENESS. Do you have the awareness to notice the subtle flaws and insecurities in a gorgeous woman, or are you perceiving her as perfect in every way, and merely picking out some random feature to criticize? In this game, cleverness is no substitute for true awareness.

-Be aware and notice her shortcoming: She's a bit short for your tastes.
-Be honest with yourself about it, don't lie to her: Don't tell her she's the perfect height if you don't believe it.
-Reframe it to positive in an attempt to make her feel better about it:

Low degree of subtlety (C+F style): Tell her it must be nice to be able to get the child's admission price into theme parks.

High degree of subtlety (Neg style): Tell her you think she might look really great in high heels.

The success of an approach is especially dependent on MVE. It is important to start with a leader vibe from the very beginning and presented as an opportunity for the two of you make a great connection.

Taker's approach: Either forced, too cocky, or too presumptuous. These guys may attempt to make women feel guilty for not talking to them.

Giver's approach: Weak, and full of compliments. These guys will just tell her she's beautiful with hopes of her continuing the interaction. They expect that the simple act of giving a compliment will inspire her to chase them.

Great approaches, no matter what the technique have a vibe that says "This is an opportunity for you to have a valuable interaction."

The direct approach presents a unique challenge since it is very common for the inexperienced practitioner to vibe 'giver' when using a compliment-type opener. He must rely on projecting value through his vibe, as opposed to having it built into the opener as is more common with opinion opener / story type openers.

One of most challenging approaches from a logistical standpoint is opening a woman who is walking away from you. It requires a high level of physical awareness and playfulness. Any 'taker' vibe must be IMMEDIATELY diffused by increasing your distance, or by using humor. If you can do this well, pat yourself on the back. It requires a very subtle balance of different vibes, and opening with correct bodylanguage and timing.


An intention is your underlying purpose and role in a woman's life. An intention can take many forms. You can be anything from the guy who helps her with her math homework to the knight in shining armor who sweeps her off of her feet and changes her life forever. There are many different intentions, and it is the pick up artist's job to:

1. Familiarize yourself with the most common and effective intentions.
2. Decide which intention is most relevant to a given situation.
3. Congruently execute your chosen intention via a continuous flow of action.

The two most common intentions are 'direct' and 'indirect'. A direct intention is one in which you express genuine interest in a girl from a place of higher value. You would then continue to reassure her of this all along the way, and treat her as if she is very special and unique. An indirect intention is one in which your interaction with a girl is purely social: Your interest lies mainly in something besides her. Maybe you are talking to her just to get an opinion, or maybe you are bored - or maybe you love the sound of your own voice!

Keep in mind the two are not mutually exclusive. When it comes down to it, everyone uses both of them, as it is completely natural to use both of them. In fact, a great pick up artist should be familiar with each and be able to use them both with equal competence. To limit oneself to a single intention, is much like an actor who limits himself to playing only one type of character throughout his entire career. The skill of a great actor is not choosing a single great role, but his ability to climb deep into any given role - the ability to become congruent to an intention.

Here's an example: Entering a club, you may see a group of girls, not exactly your type, but still somewhat attractive. You may chat with them in a social way, while waiting for your friends. Later on in the night, you may catch a glimpse of a beautiful, stunning woman - and you express your interest to her. You have created attraction using two different intentions. 'Direct' guys use an 'indirect' intention all the time with girls they have no romantic interest in - and it may result in those girls chasing them. On the flipside, great 'indirect' practitioners shift to a direct intention the moment they qualify the girl - and they may spend the rest of the sarge using the direct intention!

If you look at a 'natural' who does really well on a nighttime scene like a bar or club: How does he behave? Generally he will have a great time, enjoy the moment for what it is worth and spread his positive vibe to others around him. Women will gravitate toward these guys, and find them very attractive in this environment. Does this mean that 'party' guys are universally more attractive? Of course not. But people who go out to bars and clubs are going out to party for the evening, and the behavior of a party guy is highly congruent to that context. The natural is familiar with the environment and the types of interactions that go on during the course of the night. His behaviors are therefore congruent to both his intention and the shared intention of the groups he interacts with. If a natural gets up and walks away from a girl who isn't cooperating, it is because his intention is to have a good time, and not chase any one particular girl.

When one speaks of a 'natural', we talk about those guys who were born with those traits desirable to women. What exactly is the base characteristic that makes them so attractive? Is it their high energy? Is it their relaxed bodylanguage? Is it their boldness and honesty?


It is their congruence to intention. Unlike a pick-up artist who has consciously designed his game from the ground up, a true 'natural' has little ability to make conscious choice of his intention. But the intention that he DOES have - he is DAMN congruent to it.

Development of Natural Game is the development of the fundamentals that empower you to choose your intention based on the situation at hand, and remain congruent to that chosen intention. Remaining congruent to an intention means to continually interact with a girl in a way that reinforces your original intent, or serves to further define it.

Congruence is the antithesis of coming across fake or ingenuine. In this game, to be labeled fake or ingenuine is the kiss of death! As men, we are expected to be strong decision makers, unwavering and ready to take action. Women are drawn to men who already know their place not only in the world but more importantly in her life. Make all of your subsequent actions congruent to your original intention.

Congruence has the ability to create massive amounts of attraction in a woman - much more than any given part of the interaction. Women are not as imperceptive as we once thought them to be! Subsequent interaction increases attraction and rapport simultaneously to the extent that it is congruent with all previous interaction, and serves to further define your intention. Through congruency, you will amplify your value exponentially with each consecutive action you take. Therefore, a complete method of seduction is only effective to the extent that it is congruent within itself.

To a woman, the fact that congruence creates attraction is very obvious. A woman would simply call it "being a real man". Women don't want to waste their time with men who cannot make decisions, do not understand themselves or do not understand how to relate to her. Lack of congruence leads to confusion, and people deal with an excess of confusion by becoming indifferent to it, or by escaping from it. The former will put you into the friends zone, and the latter will cause you to be blown out or cause a woman to flake on you.

It is not any particular intention which makes you attractive. It is your congruence to it. Again IT IS NOT any particular method which is superior to others. It is your belief, conviction and loyalty to THAT METHOD. If you master the art of maintaining congruence to intention, a whole new world of freedom and opportunity will open up to you, as you will now be able to make ANY method or technique work.

A useful tool for familiarizing yourself with a particular intention is called Intention Mapping. It is also useful if you wish to create your own intention or 'method' of seduction. What most successful methods actually do is teach you to be very congruent to a single intention, through learning behaviors and techniques. Start by developing an idea of what kind of role you would like to play in a woman's life. Would you like to be lover who changes her life forever, a guy with whom she has casual sex with a few times a month, or perhaps the guy she encounters for a single night of lust and passion?

Intention maps are most effective when they match what a girl is ready for in this particular time in her life. In other words, your intention should be included in her realm of what is possible. While all women are different in the way they view the world, themselves and what is possible romantically, as a general rule you may find:

She's single -> Primarily open to romance and genuine interest from a guy.
She's with a boyfriend or husband for security, or just out of a relationship -> Primarily open to sexual variety, which may lead to romance later on.
She's in an emotionally and sexually fulfilling relationship -> Toughest case, but generally open sexual variety or romance from a guy who exhibits MVE.

After you determine the role you would like to play in a woman's life, the next step is to fill in parts of the interaction with behaviors that are all congruent to the initial intention, and serve to further define it. Here are two common examples: (BTW the idea is to fill in the gaps as thoroughly as possible, what I wrote is just an example to get you started)

INTENTION MAP: DIRECT (Genuinely interested in her)


To be the knight in shining armor who sweeps her off her feet.


"I noticed you walking by and couldn't help but introduce myself."

Initial Game:

Questions about her, establishing commonality, awesome vibe. Great sense of humor, if there is any teasing, it is done with a reassuring and warm feel.

General behavior for initial meet:

Sticking by her, not leaving her to game other girls. Going around to do things as a 'couple', meeting other people, window shopping, etc...

Number close:

I had a great time connecting with you, let's continue this another time.

First phone call:

"It was really nice meeting you the other day, I look forward to seeing you again."

Second meeting:

'Our world frame'

"I meet so many girls who play games, but you don't seem to have time for that. You are so real and genuine, I like that."

General reassuring vibe.

After sex:

Holding her close, continuing to connect deeply on a variety of topics.

Calling the next day, telling her you had a wonderful time with her.

Notes about the direct intention:

When opening, many guys have a fear about expressing their interest in girl before knowing that she is attracted first. They believe that they shouldn't let a girl know they like her, unless she has first indicated her interest. Ironically, it is that very belief which causes the lack of attraction. The reasoning of "Don't show your intention because if you show your intention she can reject you." can hurt you in some instances. The very act of demonstrating your true intention is what generates the attraction which prevents her from rejecting you in the first place!

When with a wingman, rolling off for a lonewolf, (unless you have a good explanation for why you rolled off of your friend) you MUST get a quick number. In most cases a faster number will be more solid because it's congruent to you hanging out with your friend! If you stay around and wait to 'build rapport', it will be incongruent with you being out with your friend, and it will also demonstrate negative things about your character.

This is in contrast to you hunting alone (and not appearing to be in a hurry to a meeting, class etc...) getting a quick number is incongruent with the direct intention. If you are alone, and you meet a woman, push it as far as the limitations of logistics will allow before getting her number.

The direct intention is mostly projected through bodylanguage, vibe and tonality. In other words, teasing her in a warm and reassuring way will NOT break your intention. It should be done in a way that is still congruent to your original intent of being genuinely interested in her. In fact, joking with her should serve to demonstrate your comfort together, NOT to invalidate her.

If you chat with a girl in a very direct manner, and show her you will not just leave her to chat up some other chick - that you are with her and HER ALONE... If you show her that you are honest about your intentions to her, and that you genuinely think she's special, you will have created a huge advantage over other players in the club, with that particular girl. There is strength in confidence. Your confidence in her will translate into her confidence in YOU. Often times, a strong direct intention will bypass a lot of complications such as AMOGs, obstacles and apparent logistical limitations.

I'm not talking about forwards and backwards merging (entering other sets as a couple) this stuff is fine since the frame puts the two of you 'together' talking to 'strangers'. This is congruent with a direct intention.

In my opinion, a successful pick up artist MUST become familiar and adept at projecting the direct intention. It is THE thing which separates pick-up artists from other players in the club.

INTENTION MAP: INDIRECT (Interacting with her for purely social reasons)


The highly social party guy who intrigues her, a woman senses that she can safely have a good time with him - he will not become obsessed with her, jealous of her or interfere with her life.


"Can you girls FIGHT? Oh my god, did you see that catfight outside? It was over a guy I think, anyway one of the girls dumped a bag of McDonald's french fries all over the other girl's hair! So if you guys got in a fight, who would win? etc..."

Initial Game:

Stories which naturally demonstrate a high social value.

Teasing her, busting on her, takeaways.

General behavior for initial meet:

Bouncing from group to group, making and meeting a lot of friends, flirting with lots of women. Lot's of touching, fast makeouts and laughter from women.

Number close:

Listen, there's going to be a party at my friends place, give me your number and you can come.


"Here, take my number."

First phone call:

"Me and my friends are going to the club. You should tag along."


"I'll just be relaxing at home tonight, you can join me."

Second meeting:

Most likely all you do when you get together is have sex with her or use her as a pivot for attracting other girls.

General indifferent and aloof vibe.

After sex:

Very non-needy and independent.

You tell her "Call me."

Notes about the indirect intention:

Indirect intention is good for bypassing certain societal roadblocks. It is especially useful when a group of girls is already convinced you have lower value then they do, when your target girl knows you already have a girlfriend or two, or when you wish to attract a girl who you work with or go to school with.

Next time you are about to use a routine to elevate your value or generate attraction, do not consider its standalone value. Instead, consider the congruence that routine has to your original intention. Does it reinforce your intention, increasing attraction and rapport, or does it deviate from your intention, decreasing attraction and rapport? Does each subsequent routine further define your intention, or does it serve to confuse a girl?

With an indirect intention, a girl will have a lot of reservations about sex and generally exhibit a bit of last minute resistance. Backturns and takeaways are the most congruent way to handle this type of thing. If you start reassuring her in a direct way, she will not believe it, and you will come across weak. Using a more direct game without a lot of social proof, having generated attraction based on confidence and body language alone, it is not so important to take additional actions to convince her she is legitamitely special. You have already done so, and the fact that you are not chatting up three other women in the club reinforces that.

If you would like to convert the relationship from casual one to a more romantic one, continue to have sex with her regularly (1-2 times per week at the least). The repeated sex will result in emotional attachment.

Intention Shifting

While staying congruent to these specific intentions, there is also some degree of flexibility. While is is best to avoid shifting intentions back and forth throughout the interaction, there are two common points where intention can be shifted without major repercussion. I would recommend learning how to handle both intentions very thoroughly before incorporating a shift into your game. The two points that serve as viable shifting points are Qualification and Conversion. Qualification is when you give her a statement of interest. Conversion is after you have had sex with her a few times such that she doesn't write it off as a one night stand. (Usually between 2-4 times)

If you start indirect, you can shift to direct when you qualify the girl. Stay direct until you successfuly convert the girl. Starting out with a very social game with heavy social proof, it becomes very important to convince the girl you like her for a valid reason. That is why you must screen her and qualify her based on that.

If your interaction starts off direct, you can switch to indirect after you have successfuly converted her. Direct interactions have less of a tolerance for breaking congruency than indirect ones, so is wise to make sure the conversion is thorough. She must become physically attached to you, through repeated sex.

Every successful pick up artist I have ever met has these concepts internalized. They may not be aware of it, but they've got them. Understand that these three concepts aren't the end all be all of developing Natural Game, but they are a great place to start!

as seen on Fast Seduction

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